warm chocolate cake, strawberry, oreo, thai tea ice cream

The first story Na Ya has beginning in 5338 Geary Boulevard since 2014.

What is Naya ?
Expression in Thai word which is "Naya". Thai people always have many words to put in the last sentence for making more feeling into the word. "NA-YA" also one of the other friendly words to make others feel closer. In the same way as our dessert want our customer to feel closer and want to eat anytime. So we want to make sure every customer are comfortable with fresh-fruit, happiness, joyful, vaguely sweet, and delight rich.

Announcement for Covid19
Due to the kind of this situation,
We hope everyone stay safe. Our restaurants in both locations open for dine in and to-go. We also have new items every 6 months on both location. Please check this out in the store. We are sorry about this inconvenience. We will pass this together. Be strong, and stay safe for us.!
Sweet Hours:
Inner Richmond Location
Monday - Friday 5:00 pm to midnight
Saturday - Sunday noon to midnight
Hayes Valley Location
Everyday noon to 11 pm.